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Supporting highway heroes: DriverFacts and Highway Angel

Writer: DriverFactsDriverFacts
Highway Angel award program for truck  drivers

DriverFacts, along with the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA), is committed to nurturing a culture of appreciation and respect for the drivers that serve us, as well as showing value to the trucking industry. One way we demonstrate that is through the support of the Highway Angel program started by the TCA in 1997.

The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) created the Highway Angel program to recognize the willingness and bravery of drivers to provide aid on the nation’s roads and highways every day. DriverFacts is a proud co-sponsor of the TCA Highway Angels program. Along with the TCA, we understand the importance of fostering a sense of community and gratitude for the Heroes of the Highway that serve the transportation industry.

Sponsored by TCA and DriverFacts

To honor each driver, the team at DriverFacts sends personalized, handwritten cards to every driver who is recognized as a Highway Angel. Since these professional drivers are constantly exemplifying selflessness and courage, the DriverFacts team keeps busy writing and sending cards! We’re honored to do this, and we always want to ensure that drivers feel that their efforts are seen and appreciated.

Each year before the TCA Annual Conference, the public is invited to vote on several Highway Angel nominees, and one Highway Angel of the Year is chosen. In 2022, Zach Yeakley was selected and awarded the honor of Highway Angel of the Year. Here is his life-changing story.

Zach saw smoke on the roadway ahead and heard through his CB radio that there was an accident. Due to dense fog, over 45 vehicles had been involved in a pile-up crash. Yeakley pulled over and immediately began helping. As a 15-year member of the Army National Guard, he used his prior experience to rescue a man trapped in a car that was quickly becoming engulfed by flames. Yeakley helped save six people and his recognition as Highway Angel of the Year was well-deserved.

Highway Angels like Yeakley have sparked interest in the program. The increase in Highway Angel nominations and media mentions over the last couple of years is impressive. There has been a 137% increase in media mentions over the last two years. There has also been a 31% increase in nominations this past year. In 2023, there were over 1,700 votes, double than the previous year. The TCA expects those numbers to continue to climb in the coming years.


Historically, just one professional driver has been named Highway Angel of the Year. Starting at the TCA Annual Conference in 2024, there will be three recipients. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite on social media when the opportunity presents itself.

These Highway Angels go above and beyond with hearts of service and compassion and together, we celebrate the heroes behind the wheel and the profound impact they make on our lives every day, delivering everything our country needs.


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